Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tree of life (the most boring 15 minutes we ever wasted)

This is our first review we are first going to put our observations and then our rating at the end:

Vivian before watching:

Must be good Sean Penn and Brad Pitt


 I never heard about it but lets see.

Five minutes later Vivian:

Where is the story?


"Oh shit it is one of those artsy fartsy movies."

Ten minutes later Vivian yawning:

"Fast forward a bit perhaps something is still going to happen."


"What is this shite?"

Fifteen minutes later Vivian:

"Stop it I can't watch any more, I am falling asleep."


"Thank goodness I could not take much more of that.  They should have called it the Big Nothing."


"That is the worst movie I have ever watched."


"I bet it has high ratings and that reviewers are calling it brave and creative and nonsense like that."


"Surely not, let me see on IMDB,  bloody hell you are right, it has a listen to this, NINE OUT OF TEN RATING.  I hate artsy fartsy bullshit."


"I could not agree more."


Vivian:  1 out of 10 because some of the filming was pretty.

Michael: 0 

Friday, August 24, 2012

A guide to accuracy for Script writers

I thought I would help out script writers world wide with getting their facts right.

Fact No.1 

This one is for detective shows thrillers etc.   Hair and nails do not grow after death.  The flesh and skin retract creating the illusion of growth.   Unless they are zombies then you can have growth.

Fact No 2.

Cars can't blow up if you shoot them, not even if you shoot the fuel gauge.  I know, I know action movies need big blasts but then action movies don't really need scripts, do they?

Fact No 3.

The pizza delivery man/ postman is never handsome and real life would women would not dream of touching them with a barge pole.  Another type of movie that does not really need to have script is a Porno but just in case you do and you want to get the facts straight.

Fact No. 4.

Ice bullets don't work.  This really cool way (pardon the pun) of hiding the murder not so cool.